BitLanders Review: Social Media That Pays Bitcoin
BitLanders, formerly known as the Film Annex, is a social media site that pays its users in Bitcoin. It first came to my attention earlier this year when I was planning to write a profile on Roya Mahboob and Fereshteh Forough, co-founders of the Women's Annex (At the time, it was still named the Film Annex). The Film Annex was started in 2006 by Italian entrepreneur Francesco Rulli with the aims of providing film makers a site to promote their work and help fund their projects with a shared advertising model. This model would soon inspire Mahboob and Forough in 2012 when they founded the....
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Bitlanders is a fairly new social platform that rewards its users for their content. BitLanders has developed an entire new way for participants to earn bitcoin for their content and social activity. The platform allows all contributors to easily earn bitcoin, which is the BitLanders ecosystem’s currency. Bitlanders was founded by Francesco Rulli an entrepreneur running an online film distribution platform. Rulli saw an opportunity and decided to develop this amazing social network. The Social platform strives for Bitcoin awareness while promoting worldwide access to the blockchain....
Bitlanders is a new social network that pays people for their content. With bitLanders, users that post blogs, videos, images, and share the best content will have an extra income paid by the social platform. Last week, Bitcoinist published an article review of this social network. This week, we decided have a conversation with the bitLanders Co-Founder and CEO, Francesco Rully. Where did you get the idea for this project? What were the decisive factors that led you to develop bitLanders? Since 2005, our company had supported filmmakers and bloggers through the Film Annex network, paying....
After the launching, the founder and CEO of BitLanders named Francesco Rulli started a new way of spreading the digital currency system called Bitcoin. Actually, through BitLanders, Rulli began to operate various activities related to social media in accordance with bloggers and filmmakers. Besides, Rulli also used his experience that he earned from his Film Annex business in the same field. Under this BitLanders platform, the rule is to reward the users through Bitcoin and not fiat currency. This system makes Bitcoin a permanent payment for the users of such a company. The new movement....
BitLanders is a social media platform that provides the “means and ends” to users engaging in incentive-based community content. Founder Francesco Rulli started the business formally known as Film Annex in 2006, and converted its sharing model to incorporate Bitcoin. The social media site rewards its users with the cryptocurrency based on content....
Bitcoin is an ideal currency for charities and non-profit organizations. Philanthropy doesn't have geographical boundaries, and the connection between giving and bitcoin has been displayed by the bitcoin community with their donations towards the victims of Nepal earthquake tragedy. READ MORE: The Bitcoin Community Pitches In for Nepal. BitLanders, the content hosting platform rewards its users based on their number of interactions has decided to make a change in this world. The company encourages and empowers content creators by rewarding them with Bitcoin. Yes, you read it right! If you....