Fixing The Internet With The Blockchain
TechCrunch columnist Jon Evans thinks Bitcoin technology can fix the Internet and restructure it on a fundamental level. "The blockchain technology that underlies Bitcoin is a major technical breakthrough that could, in time, revolutionize both the Internet and the financial industry as we know them," writes Evans on TechCrunch, "and the first steps of that potential revolution are now under way." In a previous TechCrunch article, Evans explained concisely why Bitcoin technology can turn the cloud inside out: "The 'blockchain' - the engine on which Bitcoin is built - is a new kind of....
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The Blockchain is often touted as the next Internet. A technology so important that it will revolutionize the way we live our lives. There is no lack of interest in Blockchain amongst big technology companies, financial institutions, governments and even the members of the public. The impact of the Internet on our daily lives is now so complete that it would be impossible to think of a world without it. Canada and Germany have even declared the Internet as “essential for life.” Yet, we are not at a stage where Blockchain has assumed a similar role. So what will it take for Blockchain to....
Bitsies is the name of a new P2P content network that merges blockchain technology with gamification methods to create truly global access to a monetized network. Monetizing online content through a medium where everyone expects things for free has always been a hurdle faced by companies large and small, people far and wide. Bitsies is also the name of the token that is used on the Bitsies network to send "Tipsies" to the content creators. Users will be able to upload videos, images, audio, and text to the Bitsies network and set a certain amount of Bitsies tokens necessary to "unlock" the....