Bitcoin Films: Exclusive Interview with Producer of 'IAmSatoshi'
During London’s Inside Bitcoin Conference earlier this month, I was able to get in contact with Tomer Kantor, the producer behind the video projects of “IAmSatoshi.” Kantor is a film maker with a reverent presence. In speaking with him, it was immediately clear that this film came from a deep and personal understanding of Bitcoin’s truly global potential. “It’s a personal project that started about year and a half ago. Originally, I just wanted to make a feature length documentary film about Bitcoin, kind of an observant style. The more I got into it, I decided that I don’t really want to....
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In the below documentary, IamSatoshi Films explores the roots of Bitcoin. The film explores the aspect of Bitcoin that is often overlooked, how the political unrest of the early 2010s may have contributed to Bitcoin's success, as people were dissatisfied with the bailouts given to bankers earlier on. The allure of being one's own bank and having control of one's funds in the extreme would clearly attract those who were upset at the present system. The film presents original footage and interviews from 2012 to present day, painting a picture of Bitcoin which often is forgotten. The....
Films are coming out left and right about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. I'm here to help you sift through them. Welcome to CryptoCurrency Films. 'Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know It' is set to be a must-see for all and any Bitcoin curious, enthusiasts... and skeptics. For starters, this isn't just a documentary about Bitcoin and how great it is with its technological advances. Instead, it is focusing on the idea of cryptocurrency, the concept and history of money. As Bitcoin poses questions to the traditional system of money and finance, so does this film aim to pick apart the current....
We have prepared an exclusive interview with Professor Emin Gün Sirer, a revered and highly educated personality in the digital currencies sphere since its beginning. His work has been on our agenda for quite some time now and we were looking forward to get an exclusive approach with him; his remarkable work in peer-to-peer technology and the hacking scene has not come unnoticed. Also, his articles over the digital currency field are indeed a reference. He has been in the front of Bitcoin discussion and his opinion is of great importance for the community. Now, for the interview:
As an old-school cypherpunk in the 1990s and one of the most active members of the E-gold community before this centralized precursor of Bitcoin got shot down, futurologist Vinay Gupta has been involved with digital currency for over fifteen years. He has also worked with the United States Departement of Defence on disaster relief and state failure issues, and helped develop CheapID, a genocide resistant biometric ID card for the NSA. He later turned his attention to global disaster prevention, and invented the Hexayurt: an open source dirt-cheap disaster relief shelter design which is....
Today, we have a very special interview to share with our viewers, exclusive to Bitcoinist. An interview regarding UROSE and that hopefully answers some questions you’ve been having or issues regarding attendance to the event in Hong Kong. The event is being funded by the Nation Import/Export Representative members, but emerged as an idea by the URO foundation. For those unaware of what URO is, here is an interview hosted by bitcoinist regarding the coin itself as this interview mainly focuses on the event that will take place in Hong Kong. Without further a due, the interview: A: The URO....