Robocoin Launches Custom Bitcoin Wallet Targeting Underbanked
Robocoin has announced the launch of a custom bitcoin wallet for consumers called the Robocoin Wallet. The move finds the Las Vegas-based bitcoin services company in the midst of its ongoing evolution away from the bitcoin vending machines that dominate the bitcoin ATM market and toward a global remittance and bitcoin banking platform it calls "Robocoin 2.0", first announced in June. Speaking to CoinDesk, Robocoin CEO Jordan Kelley indicated that the Robocoin Wallet will allow the company to bring more of the essential services for its planned bitcoin banking and remittance network under....
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Nevada-based Robocoin announced today the launch of their Robocoin Wallet product, they've been teasing since earlier this year (this was labeled Robocoin Bank earlier this year). It's the only bitcoin wallet with a global kiosk network behind it, making use of Robocoin-manufactured ATM systems distributed around the world. These are the only ATMs that allow the creation of bitcoin accounts, and consumers are able to both buy and sell the digital currency, in addition to storing and sending to others. "It's better than a Bitcoin ATM. It's better than a Bitcoin Wallet. By combining the best....
Today, Robocoin has announced open enrollment for their Robocoin Wallet, which is needed to use the "Robocoin Bank." Robocoin has taken the first step to moving away from being just a Bitcoin ATM company to becoming a full-fledged "Bitcoin Bank." The Robocoin Banking platform, which utilizes all existing Robocoin ATMs as automated kiosks, will provide banking services to customers around the world in the form of a new Bitcoin wallet: The Robocoin Wallet. Robocoin first revealed plans to change their ATMs into a more functional global network to support Bitcoin earlier this year. Those that....
Bitcoin ATM provider Robocoin enters a new phase of its growth today with the announcement of 'Robocoin 2.0', featuring a totally new software platform, alongside improved hardware and extra features aimed at the global banking and remittance markets. With the announcement, the Las Vegas-based manufacturer takes a big step toward towards its previously stated ambition to make bitcoin more user-friendly for mass-market consumers and its aim to provide financial services for the world's underbanked. Bitcoin 'banking'. Repositioning itself more as a bank with 'branches' instead of ATMs,....
Las Vegas, Nevada-based bitcoin ATM manufacturer Robocoin has announced it will soon launch Robocoin Bank, a new project that will find its physical bitcoin ATMs becoming Robocoin Bank branches that integrate online banking features. Robocoin indicates that Robocoin Bank will incorporate new features such as cryptographic provable reserves, instant bitcoin-to-cash withdrawals and the ability to send cash internationally as part of an effort to build what it calls "banking and remittance 2.0". Jordan Kelley, CEO of Robocoin, told CoinDesk that the new service brings the company closer to....
A vocal minority of operators are taking a stand against major bitcoin ATM manufacturer Robocoin over its decision to cut ties with any business partners that refuse to upgrade to its new proprietary wallet platform. At press time, the operators of eight machines have confirmed to CoinDesk that their Robocoin bitcoin ATM units had gone offline over the issue. Robocoin has some 45 machines in operation globally, according to the CoinDesk Bitcoin ATM Map. The operators of these eight machines have refused to upgrade to the company's Robocoin 2.0 platform, which will require them to collect....