Andrew Barisser Defends The Pure Bitcoin Blockchain
Andrew Barisser of Assembly Coins makes strong arguments for building on top of the pure Bitcoin blockchain, rather than creating alternatives. Recently he wrote an open letter to Reddit, where he argued that Reddit should stick to a pure Bitcoin blockchain approach to building their planned cryptocurrency initiative, rather than going sidewise with alternative approaches. Now, probably prompted from the recent news about the Medici stock exchange that is being developed with Counterparty technology, Barisser wrote a post to criticize Counterparty. Also read: Andrew Barisser's Open Letter....
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Andrew Barisser is a software and cryptocurrency engineer at Assembly. Previously he was a grad student in biophysics at UCSB, where he says a "gnawing fascination" with bitcoin led him to software. In this article, he shares lessons learned from creating his own bitcoin trading bot in the "shark infested waters" of Coinbase's new exchange. I've recently started trading bitcoins algorithmically on the new Coinbase exchange. After reading about high-frequency trading in the book Flash Boys by Michael Lewis, I decided I'd give it a shot myself, albeit in a clumsier, more amateurish way. The....