An Interview with Roger Gabriel of bitINKA
Roger Gabriel has four years of experience working in a financial division of IBM in Argentina and 5 years working on e-commerce businesses. He is launching a Bitcoin trading platform that is easy enough for anyone in South America to use. Ruben Alexander: How did you get started with Bitcoin? Roger Gabriel: On bitcoin itself around July of last year, I....
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Roger Gabriel tiene cuatro años de experiencia trabajando en una división de finanzas de IBM en Argentina y 5 años trabajando en un negocio de comercio electronico. Él está lanzando una plataforma con la moneda Bitcoin, que es bastante fácil para cualquier persona en América del sur para uso comercial. Ruben Alexander: ¿Cómo empezaste con Bitcoin? Roger Gabriel: En Julio del año pasado empece con el Bitcoin, había ya leído bastante y me intrigaba mucho. Después de tanto leer decidí hacer una compra para probar, fue alrededor de 0.25btc. El inicio de la plataforma fue en noviembre del año....
BitInka, a bitcoin platform that operates in Peru, Venezuela, Bolivia and Brazil will soon expand its services throughout Argentina, Colombia and Chile, to become South America's first universal bitcoin platform targeted for the unbanked. Founded in 2013 by Roger Gabriel, BitINKA is one of the only companies in South America which implemented bitcoin trading to create a bitcoin exchange that allows its users to convert/withdraw bitcoin for many local currencies of South America, including the Peruvian Nueva Sol and the Argentinian peso. Through its international and instant bitcoin....
In this episode of “The Biz,” crypto lawyer Gabriel Shapiro discussed Bitcoin and altcoin regulation.
We promised the coming of Bitcoin Jesus, and his time has come. Here is Roger Ver answering the questions put forward by you, our readers and community members at the Inside Bitcoins conference in Hong Kong! We had a huge number of entries and so tried to allow Roger to speak about as wide a variety of topics as possible - we hope you enjoy hearing what he has to say. Don't forget to give us your feedback and let us know who else you would like to ask some Bitcoin questions, and as always, be sure to keep following CT!
This interview was conducted before Changpeng Zhao’s post in /r/bitcoin explaining how OKCoin failed to respect its gentlemen’s contract. Therefore, that Reddit post acts as further support for Roger Ver, who shares his point of view below. Below the interview, readers can find excperts from Zhao’s Reddit post. Reading the emails OKCoin and you exchanged, no where does it appear that OKCoin had any issue regarding the contract till May 13. Jack C. Liu changes the tone in the emails within four hours from “will pay you” to “where is the contract.” Can you explain why would a person do this?....