My Fascination with Daniel Krawisz and his Negative Stance on Altcoins
By: Catherine Bleish. Daniel Krawisz has made a name for himself as the philosophical opponent to competing currencies. He takes issue specifically with competing crypto currencies such as Litecoin, Dogecoin, and other alternatives to Bitcoin. Dan is the founder of the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute and has been a featured speaker at the Texas Bitcoin....
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Bitcoin.com recently got together with Bitcoin developer Daniel Krawisz to discuss his new creation Shufflepuff — a coin tumbling tool, which tested its first transaction on August 15. But while Krawisz, a well-known writer and founder of the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute, is a strong proponent of cryptocurrency privacy, he would never support Altcoins such....
Daniel Krawisz received his master’s in physics from The University of Texas at Austin in 2010 and is now pursuing a master’s in software engineering there. He has been into Bitcoin since 2011 and writes articles at nakamotoinstitute.org.
Alternative cryptocurrencies, like Litecoin, Primecoin and PPCoin, have gotten a significant amount of bad press recently. Lead Bitcoin developer Gavin Andresen wrote an article criticizing altcoins as being a way of getting around Bitcoin's 21 million currency supply limit and "getting back to an 'inflate on demand' world" and, more recently, Daniel Krawisz from The Mises Circle wrote a lengthy post entitled "The Problem with Altcoins", raising many other concerns. Krawisz's arguments received a substantial amount of support from the Bitcoin community, showing that there are many Bitcoin....
Bitcoinist chatted with a good friend of ours this past weekend. Daniel Krawisz an activist and prominent voice in the digital currency space who once drew some cool comics here at our publication. As well as being a talented artist, Krawisz is the Director of Research at the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute. He’s also a great speaker and was recently a guest at the recent Bitcoin Investor Conference in Las Vegas, the Texas Bitcoin Conference, and many other events. You can find his writings over at the Nakamoto Institute, which include very historical content on the digital currency along with....
Altcoins have a long tradition in the Bitcoin community, but they tend to cause a contentious divide among those who think they’re useful and those who think they’re all scams. One side of the argument, articulated by the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute’s Daniel Krawisz, is that altcoins have no chance of success and distract possible users from Bitcoin, while the other side, articulated by many Ethereum supporters, believe platforms such as Bitcoin and Ethereum can work together. Johnny Dilley, who runs strategy at Blockstream, was recently asked for his thoughts on altcoins during an....