Mine for Citizen Science!
It's difficult to think of the huge computing power dedicated to Bitcoin and altcoin mining, much higher than the combined computing power of the 500 most powerful supercomputers on the planet, without thinking that perhaps all that computing power should be put to good use. The Bitcoin network can be thought of a distributed supercomputer dedicated to a single computational task - maintaining the Bitcoin system itself - which is a very useful task by itself. But there are many distributed computing projects, such as Folding@home and SETI@home, dedicated to important scientific tasks,....
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An insider account of the DeSci origins story a new movement of citizen scientists, open-access scientific research and crowd-sourced peer-review funded by crypto thats gathering pace in 2022.#At ETHDenver in February, decentralized science became a thing. It was like the good old days of crypto: Like-minded spirits met and then crashed at each others rented places. Ideologies and open research were respectfully debated. DeSci panels were well attended with renewed energy for figuring out hard problems. Heated discussions were had. Many committed themselves to decentralized science,....
A smartphone does a lot of things. It lets you play your favorite songs, read your favorite book, play games, watch movies, watch p*rn (oops), click your friends, click yourself, as well as mine cryptocurrencies. To keep this article suitable for kids, I will particular focus on the last point - mining cryptocurrencies - which I believe might have sound cooler than watching p.... only if you are a Big-Bang-Theory-fan. The people who have almost achieved this method are not some big corporate junkies selling Ponzi schemes, but a group of computer science students who were simply trying to....
SETI@home, started in 1999, is one of the first crowd-source citizen science project. This citizen science endeavor is dedicated to finding candidate signals from alien intelligences, which is a project with a really huge potential payoff if successful. You can now support the project with a Bitcoin donation. SETI@home searches for possible evidence of radio transmissions from extraterrestrial intelligence using observational data from the Arecibo radio telescope. The data are taken while the telescope is used for other scientific programs, then sent to the SETI@home facility. The data are....
In a March 2014 Semiannual Report to Congress prepared by the National Science Foundation's [NSF] Office of the Inspector General [OIG], the organization outlines an incident in which a researcher used NSF-funded supercomputers to mine bitcoin. According to report details, the researcher/professor used supercomputing resources at two universities here in the United States to generate bitcoins valued between $8,000 and $10,000. The National Science Foundation pegs the computer misuse costs at a whopping $150,000. Said researcher said the he was running tests on both systems merely as a....
To democratize science through decentralized science would allow for a new kind of interface layer for a modern Scientific Revolution. Scientists can leverage blockchain tools, such as smart contracts and tokens, to improve collaboration in scientific endeavors between different stakeholders. This so-called decentralized science movement, or DeSci for short, combines blockchain and Web3 technologies to improve scientific research.A primary goal of DeSci is wider participation and funding when approaching scientific challenges, as well as democratizing the peer-to-peer review process, which....