Andreas Antonopoulos: Sales Tax on Bitcoin is "Monumentally Stupid"
Sales tax on bitcoin would be a "monumentally stupid" idea, according to Andreas Antonopoulos, a bitcoin enthusiast, author, and expert - as pointed out today by Startup Smart. The words, which many in the community would agree with, come following a guidance related to bitcoin released by the Australian Tax Office earlier this year, which indicates the country's Goods and Service tax (known as the GST) is effectively applied twice to bitcoin transactions. "It's as monumentally stupid as it would have been in 1994 to classify the internet as a fax machine service, and put it under the....
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No one currently knows more abut how Bitcoin works than Andreas Antonopoulos. He is a leading public speaker on Bitcoin globally, even educating the Canadian Parliament for his expertise on the digital protocol. He has literally written the book on Bitcoin mastery, and he owns or governs several Bitcoin companies. If you want Bitcoin brainpower, he's your guy. Now, word has come out of Australia that they are looking to inaccurately pigeonhole Bitcoin to fit under their Goods and Services Tax (GST). This elicits an angry response from the Bitcoin icon. Bitcoin Leader On Bitcoin Tax.....
The auction sales platform Cryptothrift announced the sale of a ten trillion dollar Zimbabwean reserve note whose gains will be fully donated to the anti-sexual violence charity RAINN. This is the unusual auction taking place on the Australian marketplace CryptoShrift.com, which features an auction sales system similar to its competitor Ebay. The item has been submitted by Bitcoin Magazine's Chris DeRose who had the opportunity to get the bill autographed by the famous activist Andreas Antonopoulos at the conference Coins in the Kingdom, which took place in early October. Such incredible....
Bitcoin enthusiast and radio-show host Andreas Antonopoulos joined us in the studios today as a special guest. Andreas's knowledge of the new cryptocurrency made for an engaging conversation with Tom & Tony.
According to Andreas Antonopoulos, Bitcoin and Ethereum are two synergetic platforms that can greatly influence the progress of cryptocurrency technology for real world applications. Ethereum, the smart contracts platform with ether as its crypto-token is one the leading cryptocurrency platform. As the platform reaches maturity, Ethereum has gained popularity in the recent days. The well-known figure in the cryptocurrency world, Andreas Antonopoulos is one of the select people who has known about Ethereum even before it was announced to the world by Vitalik Buterin. He has been a vocal....
We received a pleasant email today with a link to some great videos of Andreas M. Antonopoulos by Valerian Bennet, she wrote: My name is Valerian Bennett and I shot video of a speech by Andreas M. Antonopoulos (Let's Talk Bitcoin) at the recent Los Angeles Bitcoin Meetup. I think he gives the most compelling presentation on the value of Bitcoin (the network, the protocol, the invention) anyone has ever made. So enjoy: Credit: Valerian Bennett -