Decentralized App Aims to Provide Basic Income for All
A new decentralized app, or 'DApp', is aiming to challenge the idea that we need government taxation and welfare to take care of the poorest and most needy members of society - through an ambitious project to provide a basic income for anyone who needs it. The Basic Income project was announced this week by so-called 'Governance 2.0' service Bitnation, and is being developed in partnership with Johan Nygrenm of Reslience. Me. The idea behind the project is simple - to provide welfare support to people who need a little extra help during the tough times in their life, funded through....
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The Decentralized Application (DApp) basicincome.co will be hosted on the Bitnation core platform - Bitnation Pangea - after its release in 2015. Basicincome.co will be a first experimental attempt to provide a system for a crypto based Universal Basic Income (UBI), entirely based on voluntary 'taxes' (e.g. transaction fees). Basicincome.co is the brainchild of Swedish student Johan Nygren, who invites the crypto community to engaged in the project and visit the basicincome.co GitHub repository. Bitnation leader Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof said to CCN: "As an entrepreneur, I know money is....
In the last few years, we have seen a boost in interest in universal basic income schemes. The idea for it is not a new nor a radical concept. It first appeared at the beginning of the 16th century in the work of Thomas More, Utopia. For centuries governments around the world have been exploring the potential of universal basic income in easing the vulnerabilities of working people exposed to threats of transforming the labor market. The recent growing experimentation clearly shows that there is a need to find effective solutions to alleviate the perils of globalization. Opinions are....
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