Visa and Mastercard Suspend Bank Card Services In Crimea
The United States recently prohibited U. S. -registered companies from investing in Crimea or providing services to firms operating there. This prohibition went along with sanctions imposed as a result of Russia's annexation of the peninsula from Ukraine. The consequences for the people of Crimea and parts of Ukraine are now being exacerbated by Visa and Mastercard's suspension of regional bank card services. Also read: EuroPay, Mastercard, and Visa (EMV) Credit Cards Force Needed Security Upgrade with "Liability Shift". VISA and Mastercard Leave Crimea. Visa, in a recent statement, has....
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The world’s leading payment processors Visa and Mastercard have joined sanctions against Russia over its military invasion of Ukraine. The American companies announced suspension of operations in the Russian Federation although Russians will be able to use their cards inside the country.
Card Payment Giants Visa and Mastercard Add to Pressure on Russia Over Ukraine War
Payment firms Visa and Mastercard are suspending operations in Russia as part of the international response to its decision to invade Ukraine. The U.S.-based financial services corporations revealed....
Executives at Visa and MasterCard awoke yesterday morning to learn that Vladimir Putin's Russia had passed legislation requiring foreign credit card brands to post $3.8 billion in total security collateral, the equivalent of two days'-worth of transactions processed in the country. After Russia reunified with (or annexed, depending on your point of view) Crimea, Visa and MasterCard complied with stringent White House sanctions and blocked transaction activity at several Russian banks. Both financial companies rightly feared a backlash from their actions. Under the new law which goes into....
Today, at 17:49 BTC-e time, BTC-e released this update on their site. This was the first update in nearly a month, the last update being a statement regarding Mt. Gox. Withdrawal of funds on the cards VISA / MasterCard issued in any country and in any currency. Dear our valuable clients! We are pleased to announce that for your convenience, we have implemented a new payout system that allows you to send your funds to any cards VISA / MasterCard issued in any country and in any currency. Fee - 5%. Transfer of funds is possible only in U. S. dollars . If your card is not in USD, the money....
Notoriously tight-lipped bitcoin exchange and CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index member BTC-e is now allowing customers to withdraw funds to Visa and MasterCard debit and credit cards, with some exceptions. The company blog post, issued on 21st March, indicated that the new program is now available to customers in any country, using any currency. All customers will pay a 5% fee for the service. The new functionality is noteworthy as it will allow customers to send money to debit and credit cards issued by two of the largest and most commonly used international card issuers. At present, the....
Payment processing is likely to become significantly more difficult, as card companies Paypal, Mastercard, and Visa have said that they will cease Russian operations in response to Russia’s attack on Ukraine. The three payment giants have now joined a growing list of global entities that have refused to do business with Russia as a result […]