Bitcoin News in Review: Warren Buffet, Evolution, Bitcoin Bowl, and More
Welcome back to another Bitcoin News in Review, where we feature some of the top stories of the week here on CryptoCoins News. This week, Warren Buffet spoke out against bitcoin, we looked at a new dark net market that replaced Silk Road 2.0, watched the Bitcoin Bowl, and more. Keep scrolling for this week's top articles. Warren Buffett:
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For many years, the business tycoon Warren Buffet has condemned bitcoin as an investment telling people that the crypto asset is nothing but gambling. Two years ago, just before a Berkshire Hathaway 2018 annual shareholder meeting, Buffet said bitcoin is “probably rat poison squared.” Despite the investor’s criticism, the crypto asset’s market capitalization has surpassed Buffet’s multinational conglomerate holding company, Berkshire Hathaway, in net value. Bitcoin has a lot of haters, including people like Jamie Dimon, Peter Schiff, and Nouriel Roubini. In....
Warren Buffet is perhaps the most legendary investor of all time. Although Warren Buffet and Peter Schiff are called out by name in the title of this article, this piece is really aimed at anyone who claims there is no fundamental value to a bitcoin. These two popular investors disagree on gold and many aspects of the economy, but the one thing they do agree on is the statement that bitcoins have no real value. The crux of their respective arguments comes down to the idea that using Bitcoin as a payment network does not necessarily increase the value of a bitcoin. Money goes into the....
The man known as India's Warren Buffet is eager for a blanket ban on all cryptocurrencies and believes the Bitcoin “party” will result in a terrible hangover for investors. The billionaire investor known as India’s Warren Buffet, Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, has voiced his support for India’s impending cryptocurrency ban, warning that the hangover from Bitcoin (BTC) mania will be worse than the party itself. Jhunjhunwala, speaking on CNBC’s Street Signs Asia segment on Feb. 23, said the Bitcoin party was one he’d rather not attend:“I think it’s speculation of the highest order. I don’t want to....
Today, BitPay's Tony Gallippi posted to the BitPay blog with exciting news: "Get Read for the Bitcoin Bowl." The St. Petersburg "Bitcoin Bowl" will take place on December 26th at 8:00 PM at the sunny Tropicana Field in eponymous St. Petersburg, Florida. People around the world can now purchase pre-sale tickets for the Bitcoin Bowl at Stpetersburgbowl.com, the official website of the Bitcoin Bowl. Gallippi explained: The ticket pre-sale is exclusive to bitcoin purchases, giving the bitcoin community a two week head-start to get the best seats in the house before tickets are available....
The two billionaires suffer from the same fiat illusion that keeps them from accepting and understanding a bitcoin standard.