Bitcoin Debate Between Andreas Antonopoulos VS The Greek Finance Minister
Normally, this would not be even close newsworthy these days. A three-way conversation, a dual interview, conducted on ABC National's "Late Night" radio program by host Phillip Adams with Andreas Antonopoulos. With the audio clip posted on Yanis Varoufakis' blog back in March of 2014, the program itself seems to have taken place late in 2013. The bitcoin price was constantly referred to as $1000 USD per Bitcoin, which hasn't been the case since late 2013. Only an awful lot has changed since the time of this debate/interview, which makes this seemingly old news extremely relevant as 2015....
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We received a pleasant email today with a link to some great videos of Andreas M. Antonopoulos by Valerian Bennet, she wrote: My name is Valerian Bennett and I shot video of a speech by Andreas M. Antonopoulos (Let's Talk Bitcoin) at the recent Los Angeles Bitcoin Meetup. I think he gives the most compelling presentation on the value of Bitcoin (the network, the protocol, the invention) anyone has ever made. So enjoy: Credit: Valerian Bennett -