How Did Bitcoin Mining Start?
Prior to the market hype on bitcoin mining a few years back, not a lot of people paid attention to the cryptocurrency and its related technology. It was fairly easy to mine bitcoins back then and the equipment needed to generate the digital currency wasn't as expensive as it is these days. In fact, only a standard computer CPU (central processing unit) can be enough for bitcoin mining operations, as opposed to the huge machines or high-powered ASIC devices used lately. As more bitcoins were mined and the remaining ones dwindled, the cost of mining each unit steadily increased. Bitcoin....
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Cleanspark to Use Immersion Cooling for New Facility
Cleanspark, a sustainability-focused bitcoin mining company, announced it will start shifting to the use of....
The new venture is expected to increase revenue and "optimize" its product offering structure.
Another ASIC mining firm has entered the fray, this time using chips from a third party provider. Californian firm TerraHash is promising customers huge mining rigs using Avalon ASIC chips from designer BitSuncom. The company will use ASIC boards from BKKCoin, a Thailand-based electrical engineer who has been creating a specification for a circuit board containing 16 Avalon chips. “The boards for which we provide the Avalon ASICs, will start shipping in about 2 months,” said Terrahash in its FAQ. “We have already ordered 20,000 Avalon chips, and will order more in the coming days. As soon....