Video: The Opening of a Bitcoin-Funded Well in Kenya
This is part 3 in a series about the BitGive Foundation's work in Kenya. Read an introduction or a photo essay about this project. In 2014, the BitGive Foundation led a campaign in the Bitcoin community to raise $10,000 in Bitcoin to fund a water well in sub-Saharan Africa with The Water Project. The Bitcoin community rallied and surpassed the goal,....
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In his Africa crypto market predictions for 2022, Marius Reitz, the general manager for Luno in Africa, has predicted that Kenya will scale up the adoption of cryptocurrencies. To support this assertion, Reitz points to Kenya’s as position as the leader in the world’s peer-to-peer (P2P) traded volumes for the second year running.
Kenya’s Booming Crypto Market
Kenya is set to lead the world’s peer to peer cryptocurrency market for the second consecutive year, Marius Reitz, the general manager (GM) for Luno cryptocurrency exchange in Africa, has....
Kenya has the fourth-highest interest in cryptocurrency globally, a new research study by Broker Chooser has found. According to the study, only three countries — Ukraine, Russia, and the United States — have had higher searches for cryptocurrency in the last 12 months than Kenya. Crypto Searches in Kenya Highest in Africa According to a Citizen newspaper report, searches for cryptocurrencies originating from Kenya during the twelve-month period topped 99,810. Alternatively, this means there was an equivalent of 18 searches per 10,000 people during this period. The ranking....
Giving Tuesday is coming December 1st and this year BitGive the first 501(c)(3) Bitcoin nonprofit is using its donations towards their Bitcoin Charity 2.0 Initiative. The plan is to create a transparency platform for donors and organizations using the blockchain for philanthropy. Founded in 2013 by Connie Gallippi BitGive was one of the first nonprofit charities representing the grassroots Bitcoin community. The organization has helped charity partners such as Save The Children, The Water Project, Medic Mobile, and more. The nonprofit has completed campaigns that have helped people access....