Online Bitcoin Bazaar Brawker Announces Shutdown
In a shocking announcement made on April 14, online Bitcoin marketplace Brawker revealed that the company's growth has been below expectations, which is the prime motivation for the complete closure of services. "Our growth rate did not meet our expectations, and the service does not scale as we would have expected to. The Bitcoin community came up with many great startups and the environment is very different from what it was 18 months ago, when we started working on this project." The Bitcoin buying and selling place will dissolve by the end of April 2015 until which users can resolve....
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Before I begin, this article is about how Amazon dropped the ball and how Brawker outperformed them. I use Brawker. I love the concept of sites like Purse and Brawker. Their business models are such classic examples of innovation outpacing the establishment. An article on Brawker was something I wanted to do but then the price crashed. Then sidechains and a bunch of other great innovations happened. I kept missing the chance to write about Brawker. Writing about my personal experiences are not as exciting for me as writing about technology or economics or history. This article goes a....
"The overall security level for all Brawker users has just gone up," reads Brawker's latest blog post. Brawkeris a service that matches up a bitcoiner who wants to buy something online with their bitcoins and a credit card holder who wants bitcoins. The credit card holder buys the product and gets bitcoins in return. The bitcoin user gets a discount of up to 20% on the product they want. Following the decentralized design that characterizes Bitcoin, Brawker has just switched to multi-signature transactions. If you've used Brawker before, this new implementation isn't going to make your....