Coinify Expands to 34 European Countries
Coinify, a Danish bitcoin exchange and bitcoin payment processing platform is expanding its platform to all 36 EU member states under the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) including Monaco, Malta, Iceland and Croatia. The SEPA project was initiated in February of 2014, with an aim to make cross-border Euro transfers equivalent to a domestic transfer in a....
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Denmark-based bitcoin platform Coinify has announced its expansion within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) network, enabling customers in 34 countries to buy and sell the digital currency. SEPA is a European Union (EU) payment integration scheme that aims to ease euro denominated bank transfers between 28 EU member countries as well as Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Monaco and San Marino. Christian Visti Larsen, chief financial officer at Coinify, told CoinDesk: "Coinify has two operation legs, one for payment service providers and one for traders. The expansion within....
Bitcoin payments processor Coinify has been able to acquire is competition Coinzone, allowing it to expand its reach to the European market. Coinify is based in Denmark and has roughly 8,000 customers prior to the deal, which could bump it up to at least 10,000. According to Coinify CFO Visti Larsen, he purchase comes as his firm is seeking to shift its focus from acquiring individual merchants to payment service providers (PSPs). He shared that Coinfiy plans to replicate a model invoked by its US peer Bitnet by partnering with larger entities that provide bitcoin payments processing....
Coinify works to spread the use of digital currencies. The company enables anyone to buy Bitcoin as an investment, or to buy or sell items and services from a rapidly growing list of stores worldwide. With experience in working with digital currencies since 2010, the Coinify team has a strong background with decades of experience in software, e-commerce, and compliance. The Denmark-based Company recently acquired its rival Dutch processor Coinzone in a bid to create a pan-European provider of bitcoin-to-fiat payment processing for online merchants and PSPs. The deal adds 2000 merchants to....
Let me summarize the most significant happenings of the bitcoin market. 1 . Coinify the Leading European Digital Currency Platform. Coinify has managed to get a multi-million capital injection by Danish SEED Capital. It will ensure the continued positioning of Coinify, as Europe’s leading player in the digital currency market. The Company is trying to make it simple for anyone to become part of the ever-growing Bitcoin ecosystem. As the first Bitcoin Company, Coinify secures European venture capital investment to bring digital currencies to mainstream markets. 2. Coin Academy and the....
Coinify has announced an undisclosed venture funding round, as well as a string of strategic deals that aim to position it as the leading bitcoin services company for the European market. Based in Denmark, Coinify acquired a portfolio of services from established market players in May, purchasing established domestic bitcoin broker Bitcoin Nordic and the merchant services formerly offered by Bitcoin Internet Payment Systems (BIPS). Speaking to CoinDesk, Coinify CEO Hans Henrik Heming framed the new company as a natural pursuit for himself as an established entrepreneur and bitcoin....