Streamium Decentralizes Streaming so Content Producers Get Paid Bitcoins in Real Time
Streamium's new technology will challenge streaming services such as Livestream - at least that's what the Streamium team believes. By offering streaming in a decentralized and trustless manner, Streamium could be content producers way of getting paid in real time. The Streamium team envisions Streamium as a decentralized trustless video streaming platform, allowing audiences and publishers to work together in a pay-as-you-go model. Streamium wants to empower teachers, coaches, performers, sportsmen and gamers to connect with other people online and broadcast their services or experiences....
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A group of veteran developers recently harnessed the Bitcoin technology to create Streamium, a decentralized pay-as-you-go video streaming platform. So often it happens that the viewers leave the paid video streaming in midway. It subsequently ends up divesting the broadcaster from being paid - even for the part that was consumed by the viewer. They [the broadcasters] therefore choose to operate via trusted companies, such as Netflix, that offer marketing, streaming and payment services - all at the same time. The core focus of Streamium, on the other hand, is to create trust between two....
The launch of Streamium was announced via Reddit yesterday. The new application from Manuel Aráoz and company was created to build a direct connection between video streamers and their viewers. Video streaming is dealt with on a peer-to-peer (P2P) basis via WebRTC, and payments for viewing a stream are made possible through the use of bitcoin and payment channels. A stream of small, off-chain payments are made to the broadcaster every second as the viewer continues to watch a stream, and all of those micropayments are then combined into one larger payment that is made via the bitcoin....
Streamium.io is definitely one of the most exciting creations to come out the Bitcoin community lately. Twitter was taken by storm upon its launch it seems, with praises for its decentralized realtime streaming video service; a service that gives Meerkat and Periscope a run for their money. It wasn’t but a few weeks ago the tech media outlets were abuzz over Meerkat and Periscope and their possibilities for disrupting realtime hyper-local streaming from mobile devices. “Finally, a super quick and simple method for video sharing”, they exclaimed. The arguments raged for weeks in the media....
You may have heard the murmurs about AIOZ Tube, the new streaming site backed by blockchain disruptors at Innovion and the PAID Network. If you’ve gone further, and had an opportunity to check out the platform, you’ll have seen the top-tier crypto, trading, investment and personal finance videos, or seen some of its user-created content […]
The Bitcoin technology has a lot of applications, and the Music Industry is one of the areas where this new technology can bring up a lot of innovations. The underlying wizardry behind the Blockchain will enable the creation of a new ecosystem for content producers and consumers and to revolutionize the Music Industry. The Blockchain is a digital ledger that is maintained by the users of the system. The system uses cryptography and group consensus to avoid fraud and errors. Before Bitcoin technology there was no such thing as a non-duplicable piece of data, but now with the Blockchain....