Using Bitcoin in Online Gaming
A couple of online games, namely Moonga and Spells of Genesis, have sought to integrate bitcoin payments in their features. Moonga is an online trading card game compatible with iOS and Android operating systems which was released in 2010 while Spells of Genesis is a trading arcade card game. Spells of Genesis is a pure crypto online gaming experience, and they are releasing crypto cards that will work like assets which can be traded at the Counterparty platform. The game has approximately 50,000 users and makes use of the similar gaming approach to the more popular Magic: The Gathering.....
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While video & online games are making first small steps towards Bitcoin, gambling is already there. Cointelegraph looks into why cryptocurrency payment systems are still underdeveloped. Bitcoin as part of online gaming ecosystem. The talks started in 2011. Back then, entrepreneur Calvin Ayre published a list of his own predictions for online gaming industry in 2012. One of them was about Bitcoin. It said: “Someone is going to figure out how to make this work and when they do, all the anti-gambling, over-regulating authoritarian governments will be exposed as emperors without clothes.”....
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