Grexit's Significant Impact on Digital Currencies

Grexit's Significant Impact on Digital Currencies

In March/April 2013, the exchange rate of bitcoin soared as a consequence of harsh capital controls introduced in Cyprus. Many people came to the conclusion that governments and banks couldn't be trusted with their hard-earned savings, and started looking for alternative ways to store value, out of reach of predatory central banks. Bitcoin came to the....

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How the Greece Debt Crisis Showed the World That Bitcoin Is a Store of Value

Written by Colin Kwan, COO of Magnr/ Colin has over 10 years experience in investment banking, including senior management roles at UBS and Deutsche Bank. Colin also holds an MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Management. At the time of writing, the Greece debt crisis appears to have been averted, or at the least delayed. A €50 billion bailout package has been offered, if the Greek parliament agrees to implement extensive reforms that have been demanded by the eurozone. Although the risk of a Grexit has been reduced, it has not been eliminated. If the parliament votes to....

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Bank of England Official: Digital Currencies Could Impair Bank Lending

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European Commission Eyes Transaction Limits on Digital Currencies

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