Blockchain Technology: The Key to Secure Online Voting
Originally designed to democratize power within the financial system, Bitcoin's blockchain technology is now playing a role in the area of democracy itself. Despite receiving much attention, online voting adoption has yet to take off meaningfully worldwide, amid concerns that existing platforms are vulnerable to fraud, corruption and sabotage. Last year....
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Blockchain technology has many use cases for the everyday consumer, most of which have yet to be discovered or developed. Simplifying the process of voting – and making the entire process more transparent while preserving voter privacy – is just one of these examples. It won’t take long until the first Bitcoin technology-based voting machine will be making its way to a location near you. Blockchain Technologies Corp. is a company focusing on replacing existing proprietary voting machines with a more secure and open source solution, running on blockchain technology. Doing so would not only....
The Republican Party of Utah State is going online with blockchain based online voting system for choosing the candidate for the Presidential elections. There have been talks about the use of blockchain technology in online voting for a long time. Until now, it was either theoretical or experimental. But now, it is going to be a reality soon. Sooner than expected to be precise. The first ever online blockchain based voting in the United States is happening today. The State of Utah will be the first state to use the blockchain technology to nominate a Republican candidate for the United....
New York-based Blockchain Technologies Corp (BTC) is in the news with a startling product that it hopes will revolutionize the way the USA votes! The company is hoping that its product, "Blockchain Apparatus' Blockchain-secured Voting Machine," will be able to help stabilize the crumbling existing voting structure with its more secure voting machines. On its website the company is unambiguous when it states its agenda in the following words: "America's voting machine technology - or lack thereof - is a looming crisis. Many states use voting machines that are over 10 years old that are not....
Bitcoin ATM-developer and blockchain-tech firm Blockchain Technologies Corp (BTC) has revealed that it is developing a tamper-resistant voting machine dubbed “VoteWatcher.” New York-based Blockchain Technologies Corp., a blockchain- and bitcoin-centric firm and startup accelerator has revealed that it is currently working on a blockchain voting machine that it deems will be “tamper-resistant”. The machine, dubbed “VoteWatcher”, is aimed at ensuring two core functionalities of a voting process. According to the firm, they are: To ensure that the voting machine correctly captures the voter’s....
Cryptographic techniques, like zk-SNARKs and blockchains, could ensure online voting is secure and private.