Send Your Notaries on a Vacation, Says Stampery
Bitcoin Blockchain presents us with endless possibilities. Apart from being a ledger for bitcoin transactions, Blockchain has expanded to accommodate various applications. It is now being increasingly used to create proof of existence, intellectual property management, medical records management, smart contracts and even internet of technology applications. Proof-of-Existence on Blockchain for IP and Innovation. Blockchain provides a secure, transparent and economical way to file and manage documentation. Each non-transactional entry on the Blockchain will have its own hash key which can....
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Stampery, a service that certifies records and documents on the blockchain, says lawyers working with sensitive documents are one of its main user groups, according to International Business Times. The other two main groups are creatives looking to establish ownership rights and companies that generate prior art of intellectual property. Lawyers receive a lot of documents and have to do a lot of due diligence, including getting documents notarized. By using Stampery, they can drag and drop zip documents to Stampery rather than sending them in a CD to a notary. Stampery provides irrefutable....
A family of four from Texas is putting the existence of bitcoin to the test by using only the cryptocurrency to pay for their vacation expenses. John Bush and Catherine Bleish, along with their two children aged two and three, are heading to the Eastern Seaboard of the United States to host bitcoin educational events in the area. The family will be riding a school-bus-turned-RV so they dubbed their adventure as the "Unconventional Bitcoin Bus Tour", which is their third bitcoin-funded vacation in two years. They want to drum up interest in the cryptocurrency and introduce more people to....
On December 15, Ubitquity LLC launched a new Blockchain-based notary platform BitNotarize in alpha. The platform will allow people to upload and keep their documents on the Blockchain. The platform can be used along with a traditional notary system, making it more simple and convenient. The platform offers a whole bunch of notary services on the Blockchain without the need to even leave your house. You can even sign them via the Blockchain. It can be used along with a traditional notary system, ensuring additional security and reliability. Nathan Wosnack, CEO of Ubitquity stated they’re....
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Certificate Authorities for HTTPS, PGP authentication and multi-signature cryptographic notarizing can now be done on top of Bitcoin, thanks to Signatura. Digital Notary Service Now Open to the Public. Developed out of the Buenos Aires Bitcoin Center in Argentina, Signatura.co a digital notary and authentication service on top of Bitcoin, just ended its....