Live Bitcoin Price Entry: Go!
Normally, in our bitcoin price watch pieces, we publish the levels that we will be watching throughout the day in terms of our in term support and in term resistance levels, with the intention that our readers can use these levels to dictate their intraday trading in the bitcoin price during whatever session the article covers. However, in today's piece, and primarily as a result of what's happening in Greece, we are going to do something little different. Action this morning has already produced some interesting volatility, and we have just broken through a level that we have been....
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Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening, with a look at one of our live trades. The markets are about to draw to a close in Europe, and it’s time to take our second look of the day at the bitcoin price. Things have been pretty up and down over the last twenty four hours or so, and we’ve been going at the markets with a pure scalp breakout focus. Intrarange hasn’t really been an option based on the narrow predefined ranges we’ve been working with. Action today hasn’t disappointed, and we’ve managed to get in to a long entry based on a break and a close....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening. Right now we are in a live trade in the bitcoin price. Action earlier today broke through our predefined in term support level, and we got in to a short entry towards an immediate downside target of 720 flat. We pretty much hit the target about an hour ago, but the nature of bid-ask means we’ve got to run through it a little bit before our take profit is activated, and price bounced just a few cents short of this threshold. We now trade pretty close to entry, and are flirting with a stop loss hit if things don’t....
Here's what's on as we head into the weekend in the bitcoin price, and a live trade. The week has now completed, and it’s time to take one last look at the bitcoin price before things draw to a close. Action, as we have said on a number of occasions this week, has been pretty flat, and we’ve not really had that many opportunities to get into the market on the back of any sustained movements. We did manage to get into a long entry a short while ago, however, and we remain in this position as this second analysis goes out. As such, we won’t be entering any fresh positions until this one....
Here's what we are looking at for today's European morning session in the bitcoin price, and a look at a live trade we entered last night. So today we’re going to mix things up a little bit and kick off this analysis with a chart. The one below shows action overnight in the bitcoin price, and illustrates a long trade that signaled entry during early Asia, and one which we currently hold as a live position. As the chart shows, we got in on a break of the level we slated as in term resistance in yesterday’s second analysis, and initially saw the bitcoin price run up towards our predefined....
A little earlier on today, in our morning bitcoin price watch piece, we noted that the overarching momentum in the bitcoin price was to the downside, and that we would incorporate this into our intraday breakout strategy as we headed into a fresh week's trading today. Action has now matured, and we have seen a continuation of the trend, as expected. However, pre-decline, we got a little bit of upside momentum, and this put us in a long entry according to our predefined entry levels (outlined earlier here). Unfortunately, we were quickly taken out of the trade, as price reversed to trade....