Poll: What Will Bitcoin's Price be at the End of 2015?
Bitcoin's price has returned to the spotlight following mounting speculation that digital currency purchases in Greece have been driving its recent surge in value. Although typically volatile, the cryptocurrency's price has been relatively more unstable since capital controls were imposed in the southern european country on 29th June. Having hovered around $250 for the last three months, bitcoin's price surpassed the $300 mark over the weekend for the first time since mid-March. It then dropped following the announcement that Eurozone leaders had reached an agreement for a third bailout....
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Bitcoin enthusiasts are once again bullish on the digital currency's price potential. A new CoinDesk poll has found that 48% of respondents believe that bitcoin will end the year valued at more than $500. That's not to say that others weren't more bearish. Some 38.7% of bitcoin enthusiasts think the digital currency's price will end 2015 at or near its current levels, with 4,370 of the 11,293 respondents predicting that bitcoin would be valued at between $351-$500 by this time. Thirty-three percent of those surveyed think that the digital currency's price would rise to $501-$1,000 by 31st....
2013 saw the price of bitcoin go from $13 to $266, then to almost $1,200 on the back of strong growth in China. There was a correction, as the Chinese government implemented policies to make bitcoin trading much more difficult, but the digital currency has since rallied and shown significant resilience in the face of adversity. Many believe the price of bitcoin will increase in 2014, with some Wall Street analysts even predicting it could reach almost $100,000 at some point. But what do you think will happen to the price in the coming year? Do you think the bitcoin price will hit $10,000....
Litecoin is a peer-to-peer open-source cryptocurrency. Since its integration into the virtual payments universe in 2011, litecoin, like most of its digital currency cousins has experienced its ups and downs. Now that 2014 is coming to a close, many are wondering what the new year will hold for the currency platform, and whether or not it will be able to continue to hold its ground. On various litecoin forums, the verdict appears to be mixed. For example, a poll conducted on litecointalk.org in August of 2014 asks, "On January 1st, the price of Litecoin will be..." and it allows voters and....
Just how important is the price of bitcoin? The question could be considered subjective, and that's why it was the topic of last week's poll (which you can find in the lower right-hand corner of all pages). So, getting right to it, it would appear that the price of bitcoin is a big deal compared to really not mattering. Of 134 total votes, about 64 percent of voters said the price of bitcoin "is a huge deal". That equates to 86 votes. (Hopefully we'll get a higher volume of responses on the next one.) The other 36 percent of voters said the price of bitcoin "doesn't really matter", which....
A recent poll completed by the Public Opinion University Institute, part of the Simeon Canas Centroamerican University, has found that El Salvador is still not attracted by the idea of bitcoin as legal tender. The poll results indicate that almost two-thirds of the population has a negative impression of bitcoin, with only a quarter of Salvadorans having used the cryptocurrency. El Salvador Still Cold on Bitcoin Adoption While El Salvador made bitcoin legal tender last year, being the first country in the world to do so, Salvadorans are still not completely sold on the idea of introducing....