US Presidential Candidate Rick Perry Reveals Bitcoin Stance
US presidential candidate Rick Perry has stated he supports "regulatory breathing room" for digital currencies such as bitcoin. The comments came during a new interview with The New York Observer that found Perry elaborating on issues that could form the core of his fiscal policy. In the interview, Perry roundly denounced perceived issues in the financial system, stating: "Wall Street should not be left off the hook for their bad behavior ... instead of them being punished, it was the average American who paid the tremendous price. The fact of the matter is, to be quite frank: we got....
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The US presidential candidate Rick Perry seems to have won the votes of Bitcoin community by declaring his softer stance towards Bitcoin. In an interview with The New York Observer, he declared that he is in favor of relaxing regulations on bitcoin to an extent that it doesn't hamper innovation and allows smooth operation of legitimate digital currency based businesses. READ MORE: US Presidential Candidate Rick Perry Shows Support for Bitcoin. Rand Paul, the Kentucky senator and one of the contender for presidential elections in the United States first made waves in Bitcoin community after....
Somewhere between attacking the Clintons for orchestrating the 2008's economic collapse and praising his strong economic record as the former Governor of Texas, Rick Perry requested regulators to create "breathing room" for the Bitcoin industry. The comments came during a Midtown luncheon for the Committee to Unleash Economic Prosperity, that saw the said US Presidential candidate taking jibes at Hilary Clinton and "big city liberal mayors" for clamping down the growth of disruptive technologies like Uber. In the very next statement, the man ended up asking for a better regulatory climate....
On July 29, in an exclusive interview with The New York Observer, Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry offered some insight on his views of Bitcoin for the first time. In the interview, Perry was quoted saying he supports “regulatory breathing-room” for the cryptocurrency. In a seemingly populist effort to widen his appeal, the former governor of Texas also paid some lip service to the so-called sharing economy by attacking Hillary Clinton for her recent comments criticizing Uber. These remarks were, in context, following others largely focused on economic issues, in which he gave....
One presidential candidate in Romania has made waves in his campaign by announcing that he will open up donations in Bitcoin. Remus Cernea, a former Green Party member who is known for speaking out on religious discrimination and unsustainable technologies, made the announcement Thursday: “I’m the first politician in the world who has announced that his presidential campaign will accept donations in Bitcoin. It is a world first as far as I know.” (American Libertarian Party candidate for president Darryl Perry would say otherwise).
Pro-Bitcoin Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has, at different times, jumped to the defense of the flagship cryptocurrency, BTC. This time, he promises to protect it if elected as President during the Presidential elections next year. What Kennedy Wants To Do For Bitcoin In an interview, the Presidential Candidate mentioned that he intends to end the “current White House war on Bitcoin.” This statement is in reference to the anti-crypto stance that the government seems to have taken against Bitcoin and other crypto tokens. Related Reading: Will Bitcoin Price Crash To....