DoctorX Analyzes Recreational Drugs, Accepts Bitcoin Payments
Drugs are generally classified as illegal in most of the places across the world. Each country has its own legislation against the production, sale, possession and consumption of different recreational drugs. Just because the use of certain drugs for recreational purposes is illegal doesn't mean those drugs are not available in that country. People can always find ways to procure these substances through intermediaries or they can always order over the internet on sites like Silk Road. People sometimes pay a small fortune to procure these drugs, and they may not always get what they paid....
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A large section of dopers is using internet to purchase recreational drugs, regardless of the closure of Silk Road previous year, says a new research. Silk Road was by far the most notorious online marketplace to sell and purchase illegal products, which also included a wide range of unauthorized narcotics. Last year, Federal Bureau of Investigation, in a raid, closed down its website and later quoted it as the "the most sophisticated and extensive criminal marketplace on the internet". Meanwhile, Silk Road's founder and operator Ross Ulbricht also received a lifetime in prison, a....