Bitcoin Remittance Service 37coins Closes Shop
Bitcoin remittance service 37coins has announced that it will be closing shop and will no longer be offering its SMS-based wallet. Users have until the end of the year to withdraw their balances before the company's official closure. This bitcoin remittance startup aimed to use low-cost cell phone technology as a means to enable cheap transactions. It was able to take part in Plug and Play's startup group before its development team ran into major headwinds. Bitcoin Remittance Shutdown. "Despite the best of intentions, we were unable to deliver a quality product that showed product-market....
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Bitcoin remittance startup 37coins is closing its doors. In a new blog post, the company said it was shutting down its service and its SMS-based wallet. However, users have until 30th December to withdraw their balances. More information about the withdrawal process can be found here. The closure marks the end of a process that saw the startup take part in Plug and Play's bitcoin startup group. 37coins aimed to use low-cost cell phone technology as a means to enable cheap transactions, but according to the team, development ran into headwinds that ultimately proved insurmountable. The post....
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Startup 37Coins has created a universal bitcoin wallet that can be used on any cellphone, aiming to provide people around the globe with better access to financial resources. The service allows consumers to pay in bitcoin from any mobile device with SMS functionality via a 'gateway' in the user's country of origin. This means that the benefits of the digital currency can be accessible to people who arguably stand to benefit the most, like those in poorer regions of the developing world and areas without advanced communications infrastructure. As Jonathan Zobro, one of the company's....
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