Preliminary, Simplified Implementation of Bitcoin Lightning Network Released
Lightning networks are considered a promising innovation in the Bitcoin space, which would make the Bitcoin system much more scalable and able to process transactions at a high rate and low cost, and are suitable as an alternative to existing payment networks. In February, developers Joseph Poon and Thaddeus Dryja proposed a decentralized Bitcoin....
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Blockchain, the world’s leading provider of Blockchain tools and software, has announced that the first usable implementation of the Lightning network, Thunder, has been released as an alpha. Lightning networks. Lightning networks, as explained on the Lightning Network webpage, are dependent upon the underlying technology of the blockchain. By using real Bitcoin/Blockchain transactions and using its native smart-contract scripting language, it is possible to create a secure network of participants which are able to transact at high volume and high speed. Essentially, they are designed to....
Now called Core Lightning, Blockstream’s Lightning Network implementation seeks to be Bitcoin’s interoperable, specification-focused standard.
The Lightning Network is a design improvement for Bitcoin that could allow users to make micropayments in a decentralized manner and help the entire network scale more efficiently over time. While this proposal has received a large amount of attention in the Bitcoin community, there is another, similar option currently in development by C. J. Plooy. Plooy recently gave a presentation on his alternative implementation, Amiko Pay, at Scaling Bitcoin Montreal. During his talk, Plooy noted:"If you look at the basic design of the Lightning Network -- a network of payment channels. This is....
Lightning Network is a proposal for an off-blockchain network that would support super-fast transactions and boost Bitcoin scalability. Wednesday, miner hosting company HashPlex unveiled an alpha Lightning Network hub implementation, as developers continue to refine the layer (sometimes called layer-2) on testnets. The python Lightning implementation works with the open source Bitcoin node. Integration tests on a local network, which include three Bitcoin nodes, show that users can open a channel, close a channel, unilaterally close a channel, and send and receive money. The three nodes....
The Lightning Network Daemon (lnd) has released vo.1-alpha, calling it a milestone as Lightning’s most feature-complete implementation, ready for public testing, the Lightning Network Community blog announced. The implementation is able to open and close channels with peers, maintain a fully authenticated and validated channel graph, fully handle all cooperative and non-cooperative channel states, conduct pathfinding within the network, passively forward incoming payments, and send outgoing onion-encrypted payments through the network. Golang. The lnd code base was built using Go, a....