Adam Back on 3 Forms of Centralization That Have Crept Into Bitcoin
At the crux of the block-size limit debate in Bitcoin is an argument between scaling and securing the network. Although raising the block-size limit would allow more transactions to be processed in each block, it could also limit the ability for individuals in some parts of the world to run a full node or participate in the mining process. This problem....
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About a week ago, at the NYC Consensus conference I was fortunate enough to get to spend four hours over dinner with Adam Back of Blockstream, and Kristov Atlas of Blockchain.info My Dinner with Adam Back. I’ll do my best to summarize the topics of conversation over those four hours, although I’m sure I will miss some important points. Firstly, Adam....
Open source bitcoin startup Blockstream, notable for its foray into developing sidechains for the bitcoin blockchain will now see a CEO at its helm. In a recent announcement, Blockstream revealed a unanimous decision by the company’s board of director that saw Blockstream co-founder Adam Back become CEO of the company. Back held the role of President before his new position and has also operated as the chief operating officer in the past. Blockstream revealed outgoing CEO Austin Hill will “pursue other opportunities” and has also stepped down from the board. A prominent academic in the....
Pete Rizzo discussed the earliest days of Bitcoin and Satoshi Nakamoto's influence with Blockstream's Adam Back.
For those people who were under the impression the Bitcoin block size debate was over, you are sadly mistaken. That being said, things are getting interesting, as F2Pool announced they will withdraw support from the February 21 roundtable consensus unless things are sorted out on the Adam Back front. There is never a dull day in the world of Bitcoin politics; that much is certain. Adam Back and Blockstream. Various Bitcoin community members have been claiming how Blockstream is planning to drive Bitcoin Core development in a different direction than was originally envisioned by Satoshi....
Bitcoin Knowledge Podcast host Trace Mayer interviewed legendary cryptographer Adam Back on his role in the creation and deployment of some of the most potent privacy software to ever affect the world of Bitcoin. A transcript of the podcast is published in We Use Coins. Trace Mayer is an entrepreneur, investor, journalist, an expert on the Austrian School of economic thought of Murray Rothbard and Ludwig von Mises, and a staunch defender of freedom of speech. Adam Back is the inventor of Hashcash, the proof-of-work system used by Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as part of the mining....