WEF Survey Predicts Bitcoin 'Tipping Point' Happening By 2027
A survey by the World Economic Forum says the tipping point for bitcoin and blockchain adoption will happen by the year 2025. The majority of 800 executives and experts surveyed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) put the 6-year-old currency bitcoin, as well as the underlying blockchain technology, 10 percent of the world's Gross Domestic Product (GDP)....
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Introduced in 2009, Bitcoin adoption has gradually increased across the world. However, the levels of adoption hasn't reached the threshold numbers to reach mainstream yet. In order to enter mainstream economy, the bitcoin user base has to touch the threshold level. According to a recent survey conducted by the World Economic Forum, bitcoin will reach its tipping point by year 2027. The survey focuses on six different trends, referred to as Megatrends. These six different categories include: Software and Services. People and Internet. Computing, communications and storage. Internet of....
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has identified blockchain technology as one of its six mega-trends in a new report broadly aimed at outlining the expected transition to a more digital and connected world. Compiled by the WEF's Global Agenda Council on the Future of Software and Society, the report included the results of a survey of more than 800 information and communications executives and experts. Perhaps most notable among the poll's findings is that those surveyed believe the "tipping point" for government use of the blockchain will occur by 2023. For purposes of the survey, blockchain....
In a survey report published by the World Economic Forum, titled “Deep Shift Technology Tipping Points and Societal Impact,” respondents were polled about tipping points related to technology and when they thought they would occur. According to the survey, Robots and Services are expected to occur in 2021, 3D Printing and Human Health expected in 2023 and Driverless Cars in 2026. These were all ahead of Bitcoin and Blockchain, which the respondents think would only be a tipping point in 2027. The poll further suggests that the tipping point would occur when 10 percent of global domestic....
The Bay Area's leading poverty-fighting organization recently accepted its first Bitcoin donation. Bart and Brad Stephens of Stephens Investment Management donated 20 bitcoins to Tipping Point Community on February 6."Bitcoin is a disruptive innovation in the field of financial technology," Bart Stephens said. "Tipping Point is an innovator and a disruptive force in philanthropy. We have supported Tipping Point since its inception and we are excited by this pioneering gift. Both Tipping Point and Bitcoin share a bright future, bringing benefits to consumers and families in need....
A new report by Capgemini, one of the world’s largest consulting firms with a yearly global revenue of more than $13 billion, announced an imminent tipping point for Fintech, an umbrella term used to describe the provision of novel financial services through the use of technology with Bitcoin a prominent example. The report, based on a comprehensive survey of 16,000 customers in 32 countries and interviews with 140 industry experts found that nearly two-thirds of customers are using a fintech service or product with the greatest adoption in emerging economies. They are winning hearts and....