Peter Todd: SPV Client Majority Could Lead to Miner Malfeasance
The Simplified Payment Verification protocol was envisioned by Satoshi Nakamoto in the Bitcoin white paper. He also mentioned it later on, saying that he figured the future would involve most people using such things. I anticipate there will never be more than 100K nodes, probably less. It will reach an equilibrium where it's not worth it for more nodes to join in. The rest will be lightweight clients, which could be millions. If you're not familiar with what an SPV client is, it's a Bitcoin wallet like Multibit, which only reads the block headers rather than downloading the entire....
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Core developer Peter Todd is known for his forthright ideas on how to improve the security and stability of bitcoin, while staying true to the technology's decentralised roots. An avid Twitter user and conference regular, Todd has worked on everything from off-chain transactions and privacy-enhancing stealth addresses to '2.0' projects like Viacoin, Counterparty and coloured coins. In this video, he discusses his first experiences with bitcoin and precursor Hashcash and I ask how centralisation, regulation and scalability might shape bitcoin's future. View the full video interview below:....
Consultant and Bitcoin Core Developer Peter Todd has advocated changes to the cryptocurrency’s proof-of-work (PoW) algorithm as the scaling debate continues. As the prospect of a Bitcoin hard fork looms and associated “politicized” activity remains, Todd suggested “researching a PoW change” would be a “good backup plan.” With some miners threatening 51% attacks against Bitcoin, researching a PoW change is a good backup plan: https://t.co/SEZ1qlxhAH. — Peter Todd (@petertoddbtc) March 19, 2017. The ongoing infighting over how to resolve Bitcoin’s capacity woes now directly involves the....