UK Chancellor Sees a Big Future for Digital Currencies
UK Chancellor George Osborne who has previously declared his intention to explore digital currencies like Bitcoin has now reiterated his stance during a recent conference in London. The UK's Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne spoke about digital currencies at the Bank of England's Open Forum conference. The Chancellor reiterated the UK Treasury's recent stance of welcoming Fintech investment and opening the doors for the UK to be a major destination for new financial technology. As reported by The Financial Times, Osborne said: I want the U. K. to be the global center of fintech.....
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George Osborne, the UK's Chancellor of the Exchequer, has issued new remarks about digital currencies. Speaking at the Bank of England's Open Forum conference earlier this morning, Osborne re-emphasised his desire for London to be a world leader in both FinTech and digital currencies. According to Bloomberg, Osborne commented on the potential of the "once dismissed" alternative currencies, saying: "[Digital currencies] may now well play a big part in our financial future." During his opening remarks, the Chancellor also touched upon the topic of innovation, noting that the UK was committed....
British Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, Acknowledges Bitcoin. Today, the U. K.'s Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, bought bitcoins for the first time from Cointrader.net's Bitcoin ATM powered by Robocoin. Mr. Osborne declared that it was his intention to explore the potential for using digital currencies, such as Bitcoin, to better access finance for small businesses. He went on to explain how regulation of virtual and digital currencies, and the risks associated with them, were to be explored in a bid to boost the UK's Financial Technology (FinTech) sector. British....
Wednesday the 18th of March 2015 saw the budget for the future of the United Kingdom economy announced by the British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne. After his most recent statements and tweets on digital currencies future here, let’s have a look at what clues it gives in regards to a new digital economy and related currencies here. The IBTimes UK disclosed a close source to the consultation said that Osborne is expected to make the announcement this week, "possibly within the UK budget". In recent months the UK Treasury has met with members of the cryptocurrency community,....
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The Payments Council, the organisation that sets strategy for payment mechanisms in the UK, has issued a statement saying that it is "neutral" on bitcoin, though it sees "opportunities" for digital currencies. In response to questions from CoinDesk, the Payments Council said that it had been tracking the progress of digital currencies "with interest", and that bitcoin was one of many "competitive offerings" that are emerging in the UK. The organisation appeared to be relatively positive on the future of digital currencies: "As shopping habits are increasingly moving across borders and....