Bitcoin Price Volatile: Action Ahead!
Volatility, volatility, volatility. That's all we seem to talk about these days. The bitcoin price has moved more in the last few weeks than it has in the last few months, and while this has given us plenty of opportunity to draw profit from the market on our intraday strategy, we have also been chopped out on more than one occasion. This said, that's why we use stop losses, so we needn't complain. We are now heading into the final weekday session, and things are looking as if we are going to get a continuation of the action we've seen as late. So as we kick off the day, what are the....
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The bitcoin price has been pretty volatile overnight - here's our take on today's action from an intraday breakout perspective. Action in the bitcoin price overnight was pretty volatile. Having ranged for the previous twenty-four hours between tight key levels, price broke to the downside and – with a sustained decline, reached overnight lows just ahead of 365 flat. Having reached this level, however, and as the Asian session kicked off it’s Thursday trading, price reversed and made back the entirety of its losses to trade at current levels – circa 373 flat. Our breakout strategy took full....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening. So that’s it, another week out of the way. As we noted in this morning’s bitcoin price analysis, things have been pretty wild this week. Price gave us plenty to go at with our intraday scalp strategy (and in turn, plenty to discuss as part of our intraday analyses) and we have managed to close out the week net up on the markets, despite the odd stop loss hit here and there. We’ve got a weekend’s worth of action ahead of us, however, and as those who are regular readers will be all too aware, price can often be....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening. So the day has now come to an end, at it’s time to take a second look at the bitcoin price market ahead of tonight’s Asian session. Thing shave been pretty volatile today, as we expected they might be, and we’ve got plenty to discuss before we get to the end, so here goes. First, a look at the day’s action. When we outlined this morning’s strategy, we noted that action had primarily trended to the downside over the last forty-eight hours, and that this suggested we might be able to get in on a downside bias. As....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this morning. Here we go then. Another week’s worth of trading under our belt in the bitcoin price, and a fresh week ahead of us. At the end of last week, we set up against some slightly wider than normal weekend action. We looked at the hourly charts as opposed to the minute charts, and put a framework in place that was designed to take advantage of any longer-term weekend volatility – that is, something slightly outside of the traditional intraday momentum. As things turned out, this strategy worked pretty well. Action over....
Perhaps as a response to what's happening in Greece, action in the bitcoin price throughout the first off this week has been pretty volatile. Having seen some initial strength throughout Sunday evening and the Monday European session, Tuesday's action brought us a decline and a bounce along resistance for pretty much the entire day. However, a look at this morning's action gives us some reprieve on this decline, and we have seen what looks to be a temporary return to the upside momentum we saw at the beginning of this week. So, with this said, what of levels that we are watching as we head....