Armenian Central Bank Says Stay Away from Bitcoin
The Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia has advised its citizens not to use digital currencies such as bitcoin. The Armenian central bank told regional news service ARKA last month that, in its view, the use of digital currencies should be avoided due to a lack of regulation in the industry. The comments appear to be some of the first from the institution on the technology. The central bank told ARKA: "According to Armenian legislation, virtual currencies, including bitcoins are not considered electronic money. This in view, the regulator calls on citizens to refrain from using them,....
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Central Bank Mulls Delaying CBDC Rollout
The governor of the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK), Patrick Njoroge, has suggested the lack of access to smartphones of more than half of Kenya’s mobile phone users is working against its plan to launch a CBDC. He warned the central bank may be forced to delay its....
Zimbabwe’s central bank, which has expressed its opposition to cryptocurrencies in the past, announced yesterday it is presently exploring the feasibility of rolling out its own central bank digital currency (CBDC). The bank also said its regulatory sandbox continues to garner interest.
CBDC Roadmap
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