BSave Launches Bitcoin Savings Account
London-based BSave has announced the launch of its Bitcoin savings account at the North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami today. Bitcoin service provider BSave has officially launched its savings account which credits an interest to the user’s account at the end of a 24 hour period, every day. The British company is opening its wallet to the public following “intense months of beta testing,” according to a press release revealing the announcement today. The BSave savings account is currently open to all Coinbase customers. While details are scarce in the press release, the company’s....
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London-based BSAVE has completed a $400,000 round of funding for seed capital and has announced a savings account for users who can directly connect it to their Coinbase wallet to store Bitcoins while earning interest payments every day for their savings. BSAVE has announced a new platform that enables users to gain savings from their bitcoins by offering a savings account. Daily interest is credited to each user's account at the end of a 24 hour period, and the savings account is also a zero-balance account, the company says, with no penalties imposed if the user wishes to withdraw his or....
The North American Bitcoin Conference Miami (TNABC) is taking place this week and with the event comes special announcements. A new startup called BSave has created a Bitcoin savings account which allows users to collect interest on their holdings. BSave’s service will connect people with Coinbase wallets who want to save their digital currency and receive an incentive to do so. The website states: “Earning interest on your bitcoin has never been so simple.” — BSave.io Website. During the TNABC Miami event, the BSave company is going live with its new software after months of “intense beta....
UK-based Bitcoin savings account service BSAVE.io has announced closure of a US$400,000 seed funding round. BSAVE, the brainchild of former Société Générale analyst Jonathan Azeroual, announced the investment from a still unknown source in a press release Monday. “Bitcoin and digital crypto-currencies may be best suited to disrupt finance and become a global platform for storing and exchanging value,” Azeroual said. “BSAVE aims to unlock this potential by introducing a paradigm shift for online savings.” Hello #bitcoin world! We are getting close to something very exciting! Get Your Early....
BSAVE, a London-based startup is trying to introduce a new platform that enables users to profit directly from their bitcoin holdings. The startup just received a $400k Seed investment to start developing profitable saving solution suitable for both short-term and long-term holders. The startup's vision is to radically simplify the process of online savings and investment, the company is trying to open the potential of financial services in digital currencies to millions of people around the world. The London-based startup team consists of a group of entrepreneurs with a vision for....
The solution to the problem facing billions of people around the world: access to a cheap, secure and reliable savings account.