Japan Debates Bitcoin Sales Tax, Stricter Rules for Exchanges
The Japanese financial newspaper Nikkei reported in early March that the country’s parliament, the Diet, will soon vote on a set of Bitcoin regulations to be put forward by the ruling cabinet. The regulations proposed by Finance Minister Taro Aso of the ruling Liberal Democratic cabinet would classify Bitcoin as a currency, impose new requirements on....
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Authorities in Japan are planning to introduce tougher new rules for crypto operators as part of efforts to prevent Russia from using cryptocurrencies to evade sanctions. The legislative initiative comes after Tokyo asked digital asset exchanges to strengthen transactions monitoring this month.
Government of Japan to Close Loopholes for Russians in Crypto Space
Amid concerns that Russia and its elites may employ cryptocurrencies to circumvent international sanctions, Japanese authorities are going to stiffen regulations for cryptocurrency exchanges. The platforms will be....
Citing unnamed but informed sources, Japanese publications are reporting that a working group under the Financial System Council have complied a draft of Japan's first ever cryptocurrency regulations. Under the new proposed rules, bitcoin exchanges and those dealing with virtual currencies must register with the government to fall under a regulatory framework. The rules, as reported by The Japan Times, are drafted by a working group under the Financial System Council (FSA). The proposals and discussion for the new rules began yesterday, while the bills required to enact the new rules and....
Cardano (ADA) has recently secured another win in its long repertoire of wins lately. The native coin of Cardano, ADA, has now been approved to be listed in Japan, which features one of the hardest listing requirements in the world. Only a handful of coins have been able to receive approval to be listed on exchanges in Japan, and ADA just became one of them. Japan has always been crypto-friendly right from the beginning. But that does not mean they have lax laws when it comes to cryptocurrencies. The coins that are listed on exchanges in Japan are carefully screened to make sure that they....
Japan’s crypto regulator has planned to ease the rules which surround the listing of coins and tokens. This move will make the listing of virtual coins a lot easier. At the moment, crypto exchanges that want to list their tokens and coins have to get them screened by the Japan Virtual and Crypto Asset Exchange […]
Indonesia is preparing to issue new rules to tighten the regulation of crypto exchanges. Under revised regulatory framework, two-thirds of crypto exchange directors must be Indonesian citizens residing in the country.
Indonesia Plans to Tighten Crypto Regulation
Indonesia is preparing to issue new rules to tighten the regulation of crypto exchanges, officials from the country’s Minister of Trade and the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (Bappebti) said Tuesday at a parliamentary hearing in Jakarta.
One of the new rules requires two-thirds of directors....