How Blockchains Can Further Public Science
The thing that had me most excited about Bitcoin back in 2013 was its potential to re-align the incentives in academia and re-define how science and research is conducted. At the time, I was spending my days training rats in Skinner boxes to hunt crickets, listening to every possible Bitcoin explainer I could get my hands on. It took a good two years,....
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The Science DAO, a decentralized fundraising platform that offers pre-IPO investment options in breakthrough technologies and projects, debuted on May 5, 2022. The objective of the Science DAO is to use Web3 to help fund disruptive and game-changing discoveries and make cutting-edge technology more accessible to the general public than ever before! Being a decentralized […]
The top banking regulator in the U.S. has announced that national banks and savings associations in the country can use public blockchains and stablecoins for payment activities. Experts say this is good for bitcoin and its importance should not be understated. Banks Can Use Public Blockchains and Stablecoins The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) published an interpretive letter on Monday “clarifying national banks’ and federal savings associations’ authority to participate in independent node verification networks (INVN) and use stablecoins to conduct....
A new interpretive letter from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency paves the way for stablecoins and public blockchains to be fully integrated in the financial infrastructure.
The price of bitcoin and native tokens for other stablecoin-supporting blockchains jumped after the OCC approved banks to use public blockchains.