Alaskan 'Judge' Wants Pope Francis to Endorse the Blockchain
An Alaskan conservative commentator and self-styled judge has called for the world to embrace blockchain technology. Anna von Reitz, who frequently writes about social justice and the US, argues that the problems in the country are the result of a century of rule “by the criminals who have hijacked our government, wealth, and heritage”. In her essays, von Reitz singles out the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund and other organizations as emblematic of these issues. Late last year she went as far as calling for the arrest of President Barack Obama and the US Congress, gaining....
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Correction: The article previously stated the paper was authored by Pope Francis. That is incorrect and we do apologize for the unfortunate mistake to our readers and to the Pope. The paper was published in 2011, before Pope Francis took his position. In a paper released in 2011, Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace has called for the reformation of the “international financial and monetary system,” squarely placing the blame for 2008’s financial crisis on an “an inflationary spiral” caused by “further expansion of credit” which could not be sustained: “In recent decades, it....
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