France Minister of Interior Accuses Darknet Markets of Assisting Terrorists
After bitcoin, it is the deepweb which is now in the iron sights of the governments. Close to the heels of Russia trying everything in its capacity to make bitcoin illegal in the country, the French Minister for Interior Affairs is not targeting the darknet. Freedom of choice and free speech have become rare commodities these days and even in those small pockets where one can find it is being targeted by the governments across the world. Be it the United States government passing laws that conveniently erases the right to privacy from the constitutional rights of the citizens or the....
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Brussels Terror Attacks Revive Terrorism-Crypto Connection, Fueling European Push To Control Bitcoin
This week’s terror attacks in Brussels has caused French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve to cite the darknet as a terrorist tool and call for measures to improve intelligence expertise in technologies terrorists use, according to a French ministry website. Because cryptocurrency is used for darknet transactions, efforts to control the darknet could fuel government efforts to control cryptocurrencies in Europe. Cazeneuve told The National Assembly that terrorists use the darknet. He made his remarks in the context of a wide-ranging discussion about what the government must do to....
According to a French report from a blog operated by Bernard Debré the député of the National Assembly of France and a member of the of the Union for a Popular Movement in Paris, Debré wants to ban Bitcoin in the city. The bureaucrat recently found out from a survey he participated in that drugs can be bought with the cryptocurrency online with just a few clicks. Bernard Debré Believes the Darknet is a ‘supermarket where you can buy everything’ So Bitcoin Should Be Banned in Paris. Bernard Debré, MP LR Paris who participated in this recent French-based survey is concerned drug trafficking....
Darknet markets are falling off the radar and watching their customer base level off.
France's Minister of Economy and Finance, Pierre Moscovici, issued a call on 4th March for European regulators to collaborate on digital currency regulation as part of an effort to ease the concerns of financial institutions and policymakers. In statements to the press, Moscovici has indicated he intends to request that EU member states discuss the matter at the EU Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN), the organisation that sets the EU budget and monitors the financial markets in member states. Said Moscovici: "This is an imperative topic to be treated not only at national level....
A deep dive into how Bitcoin’s lack of privacy and, by extension, its insufficient fungibility has led to its loss of market share in darknet markets.