Why Bitcoin’s Bad Reputation is in the Eye of the Beholder
As an industry insider, it is sometimes very hard to admit that bitcoin suffers from serious negative perception issues: that in the minds of many people bitcoin is still automatically linked to thoughts of drugs, terrorist financing and money laundering. Needless to say, this has massive implications for all potential stakeholders: It slows down consumer adoption, it has regulators set the bar unreasonably high for bitcoin companies to operate and many banks still refuse to provide bitcoin companies with simple operating accounts. All of this results in the stifling of innovation, the....
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The early days of Bitcoin gained the first great cryptocurrency a reputation as dirty money. The Silk Road remains one of the first salient examples of a thriving Bitcoin economy, and even now the currency still has yet to completely shake off that reputation. However, as Bitcoin tries to move mainstream, Monero, a very privacy-focused digital currency, has rocketed to the top of the cryptocurrency rankings by going after exactly what took its predecessor to glory. Bitcoin is better than fiat, but not by enough for regular people to care. The hard fact of Bitcoin that even hardcore fans....
Bitcoin’s technological innovation is available for anyone to use, even bigots; but this shouldn’t sully the entire network’s reputation.