Forget How Blockchain Works, Talk About What It Does
We all should know by now that 2016 will be blockchain's biggest year yet, and for good reason – financial incumbents are finding very clever ways to start investing and testing this technology without the fear of fueling what they perceive as a threat to their business models. The key to this transition has been the rebranding of distributed ledgers and digital currencies under the larger banner term "blockchain", a word that has become so common, it is suffering from a bit of fatigue. But the admittedly vague term, "blockchain", also comes without the bad publicity....
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Bitcoin Press Release: kick-off interactive sports community with unique Club Talk feature. May 6th, 2021 Tallinn, Estonia — is inviting users to its new “Club Talk” room, a game-changing chat function where its community can talk sports while discussing and sharing bets. Chat Sports With Club Talk Club Talk is now live at […]
Any innovation must be engineered so that as adoption grows, the right scaling technologies can be integrated into it at the right time. Cointelegraph is following the development of an entirely new blockchain from inception to the mainnet and beyond through its series, Inside the Blockchain Developer’s Mind, written by Andrew Levine of Koinos Group.Scalability is a popular topic in blockchain, but few ever explain what we mean by that term. When we at Koinos Group talk about scaling what we mean is scaling to the masses. Creating a blockchain that everyone on Earth can use. That means the....