Bitcoin Price Watch; Let’s Get Some Volatlity
Here's what we are watching in the bitcoin price for the Thursday evening session... Things have been a little quiet in the bitcoin price this week, and we’ve not had too many opportunities to enter on our breakout strategy. However, overnight on Wednesday, we did get a little bit of movement, and this movement allowed us to shuffle our parameters around a bit. We narrowed our time frame last night to the five-minute chart, and combined with the movement seen in the markets, this enabled us to get in short on a downside break. We remain in this trade as things stand, but it’s a narrow....
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Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening. Okay, that’s the European session done for today, let’s move on to the US afternoon and – beyond that – into the Asian session tonight. The bitcoin price has been relatively flat throughout the majority of the day, and we ended up getting chopped out of a trade earlier on this morning. It is not a great way to kick off the week, but it is not terrible, and we have to accept some losses now and again. Let’s hope we have got them out the way early, and that going forward, we can recuperate the lost capital and more.....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening. So that’s it for another session in the bitcoin price. Things have been pretty wild all week, but there haven’t been too many opportunities to get in to the market other than on short, scalp breakout entries. We’re looking for some degree of sustained action so that we can get into a longer term trade, but it is impossible to get in on these big trades if price doesn’t give us what we need. Anyway, let’s not moan. Let’s try and put forward some focus levels this evening, and ensure that if do get the action we want....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this morning. So, it’s Wednesday morning, and time to get things kicked off with the first of our twice daily bitcoin price watch analysis. Overnight action was relatively flat, and we didn’t manage to get into any positions with the range we had highlighted. However, price did carve out a relatively steady range, meaning today we should see some nice reactive action if we get a breakout. So far this week it’s been pretty easy trading – a couple of scalp breakout entries and some intrarange action, with more take profits than....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening. So that’s another day done in the bitcoin price markets (at least out of Europe) and there’s been plenty of action during today’s session that we can look at, and use for tonight’s late US trading. Instead of rambling on like we normally do in this part of the analysis, we’re going to get straight to the action. Get a look at the chart below before we do, so as to ensure you’re familiar with the levels we are focusing on, and the action that’s brought us there throughout today’s European session. So, let’s get....
Here's what we are focusing on in today's bitcoin price watch for the evening session on Wednesday. Also a live trade from this morning. Let’s kick things off with a chart. The chart below shows the action we saw in the bitcoin price overnight, and the action that has taken place since we published the first of our twice daily bitcoin price watch articles this morning. It’s got the framework we applied to our first analysis still overlaid, to illustrate how action has performed in relation to our expectations. Those that were with us this morning will remember we focused on the double top....