Bitcoin Price Watch; Here are Today’s Entries…
Here's what we're focusing on for the Thursday morning session out of Europe in the bitcoin price. Yesterday, as a result of overnight trading on Tuesday, a double top gave us a medium term bearish bias in the bitcoin price. The pattern completed mid afternoon, and we were able to enter short according to the pattern’s traditional rules on a neck breaking. Post-entry, price initially moved in the direction we’d expected, before correcting a little to the upside and consolidating somewhat throughout Wednesday evening. This is not unexpected, and the bearish trade we entered on the pattern....
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Here's what's on in the bitcoin price for today's European morning session. Let’s start off today’s first bitcoin price watch analysis with a chart. The chart below is a fifteen-minute candlestick chart that shows the last forty eight hours of price action, and has the framework we outlined in yesterday evening’s analysis still overlaid. As you can see, price just recently broke through the level we had slated as in term resistance, which put us in a long trade towards an upside target of 425. Unfortunately, however, while we did see something of a sustained run to the upside, price only....
Here’s what we are focusing on for this evening's session in the bitcoin price. The weekend is pretty much upon us, and with it, we are drawing to a close yet another week’s worth of action in the bitcoin price, Our trading has been relatively subdued so far, primarily as a result of the lack of any real sustained momentum in the markets throughout the early days of this week. This doesn’t mean we haven’t been able to get into any positions however. Today’s action brought with it some solid upside action, and we were able to get in long a little earlier on this morning (pretty much....
It's a fresh week's trading in bitcoin, so here’s what we are looking at in today’s session. Yet again, we’ve had a pretty eventful weekend in the bitcoin price. We surmised that we might see some volatility on the Asian open, but actually ended up seeing the most volatile action early Sunday morning. Having gained throughout Saturday to overnight (and intraweek) highs just shy of 450 flat, price took a sharp hit to carve out weekend lows of 425.88 – a level that will feature in today’s trading strategy. Since these lows, we’ve been trending pretty steadily to the side, with what looks to....
Here's what we are looking to trade in the bitcoin price for this evening's session out of Europe. The European session is now drawing to a close, and its time to perform the second of our twice daily bitcoin price watch analyses. As we mentioned this morning, action over the weekend was pretty flat – something of an anomaly when considered in line with the sharp, volatile action we’ve seen during the weekend over the last few months. As things have turned out, action throughout today’s session has mirrored that which we saw over the weekend. Specifically, we’ve not really seen any....
Its been a few days since we reported on our bitcoin price intraday technical analysis strategy, and while the holiday season (plus new year) has disrupted our trading a little bit, things are now back on track for a profitable 2016. Additionally, the pause in our strategy implementation has given us a chance to step back and take stock of the markets, meaning hopefully we can enter the year with a little additional clarity. So, with this said, and as we head into the mid afternoon session in Europe, what are the levels we are looking at in today’s markets, and where are we looking at....