Bitcoin Price Watch; Looking Towards the Week’s Close
Here's what we are looking to trade in this morning's bitcoin price on Friday. It’s been a strange week in the bitcoin price yet again. We’ve seen some technical patterns, some consolidation, and even – thankfully – some breakout action from which we’ve been able to place trades according to our intraday strategy. Unfortunately, it looks as through we might be in for a relatively stagnant end to the week. Action overnight on Thursday was pretty uninspiring, and while it did get us un to a long trade (which we remain in as things stand), we pretty much just saw a gradual upside run....
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Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening. So the weekend has pretty much arrived, but we’ve still got the close of the US session ahead of us, and an evening’s worth of trading to see if we can close out the week on top of the market. It’s been a pretty rough week, and the markets have been pretty volatile. Normally, this volatility is welcome – it gives us the chance to get in and out on breakout positions. This week, however, it’s been choppy, unsustained volatility. This meant we got chopped out of our trades on a number of occasions – price broke our....
Here’s what we are focusing on for this evening's session in the bitcoin price. The weekend is pretty much upon us, and with it, we are drawing to a close yet another week’s worth of action in the bitcoin price, Our trading has been relatively subdued so far, primarily as a result of the lack of any real sustained momentum in the markets throughout the early days of this week. This doesn’t mean we haven’t been able to get into any positions however. Today’s action brought with it some solid upside action, and we were able to get in long a little earlier on this morning (pretty much....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this morning. The weekend is pretty much upon us, and with it, we are drawing to a close yet another week’s worth of action in the bitcoin price. Things have been a little mish-mash this week. Our trading throughout the early week was relatively subdued, primarily as a result of the lack of any real sustained momentum in the markets coming out of the holiday weekend in the US. Having said this, we’ve had a few nice entry opportunities, and a couple of solid positions. Yesterday’s action brought with it some upside action, and we....
Here's what we are looking at this evening in the bitcoin price. So the day has drawn to a close out of Europe, and it’s time to put out the second of our twice daily bitcoin price watch analysis pieces. In this morning’s analysis we noted that action over the weekend (while initially promising) was pretty flat, and that this may continue into the early week trading session today. This is especially true when compared to the action see across last week’s latter half. So, let’s take a look at what happened today, and try to figure out how we can use this to influence our strategy heading....
A little earlier on this morning, we published our twice daily bitcoin price watch piece. In the piece we outlined the levels we were looking to watch in the bitcoin market throughout Friday's session, and stated that - if we got the volatility we were looking for - we would look to enter according to our breakout strategy in an attempt to draw a short term scalp profit on the action. Action has now matured throughout the day, and we are heading into the close of the European session and the beginning of the weekend. In the majority of other financial assets, markets would be pitching to....