Bitcoin Trading Service Makes Possible Buying Bitcoin in Local Banks in UK and Mexico
Want to be able to buy Bitcoins at your local bank? Now, if you live in the United Kingdom or Mexico, you can. Bitcoin trading service Wall of Coins has begun serving British and Mexican customers. Wall of Coins works by anonymously and securely matching buyers and sellers of Bitcoin. Sellers provide a bank account number and SMS-capable mobile phone number, set a rate, and send Bitcoin into an escrow account. Buyers then deposit the desired amount into the seller’s account, after which the Bitcoin is released from escrow and sent to the buyer. Robert Genito, CEO of Wall of Coins, is happy....
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New weekly trading volume charts on LocalBitcoins show Mexico has a great appetite for cryptocurrency. The Mexican banking sector is going into some contingency mode right now. If Donald Trump were to win the presidential elections, the banking system in the country would come under a lot of pressure. Financial regulators have ordered all institutions to conduct stress tests modeled after a Trump victory. At the same time, Bitcoin adoption in the country continues its upward trend. Ever since Donald Trump mentioned his plan to block remittances from the US to Mexico if he became president,....