Dark Web Conference Coming to New York May 12
Alan Meckler, the man behind the 1990s’ Internet World and Inside Bitcoins over the past few years, is launching a new conference in collaboration with TMC: Inside Dark Web. The new dark web conference will take place at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City on May 12th, 2016. Internet World, as a part of MecklerMedia, was the first major....
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If you could not make it to New York for the conference don`t worry. Our college Ethan Law is there streaming for us. You wont miss out anything. Ethan will go to all the sessions and panels and keep you updated on both days of the conference. Day one of the Inside Bitcoins Conference turned out to be a massive success; with 1,000+ attendees showing up to view the 45 various exhibits and over 30 speakers. The conference began with keynote speaker Jeremy Allaire, Founder and CEO of Circle, who spoke on the steps that Bitcoin must take to continue its maturation as a currency.
In less than a month, Mediabistro will return to New York to host the second New York City Inside Bitcoins Conference at the Javits Convention Center. Whereas last July, the Inside Bitcoins Conference drew in several hundred attendees, the April 7-8 conference is expected to draw over 4,000 attendees. In addition to the slate of over 50 speakers, the conference will also feature a Bitcoin Trading Café for a Satoshi Square like experience for attendees. Keynotes for this year's conference include Jeremy Allaire of Circle and Nicolas Cary of Blockchain.info. The conference is set to take....
If you could not make it to New York for the conference don`t worry. Our college Ethan Law is there streaming for us. You wont miss out anything. Ethan will go to all the sessions and panels and keep you updated on both days of the conference. He will take pictures and update all of our social media sites for better follow up so you wont miss anything even if you are on the road. Streaming starts: 09:00 EDT (16:00 CET). Live updates from the conference.
Bitcoin Magazine is please to announce Mediabistro's fourth Inside Bitcoins Conference to take place in New York City on April 7-8. The Conference is set to take place at the Javits Convention Center in the heart of Manhattan. Last July, Mediabistro launched their first Inside Bitcoins Conference at the New Yorker Hotel. Mediabistro issued the following press release to highlight April's upcoming conference: Mediabistro Announces Inside Bitcoins Conference and Expo at Javits Convention Center in New York City April 7-8, 2014. Mediabistro Inc. announced that its worldwideInside Bitcoins....
As federal and state regulators grapple with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, entrepreneurs and developers are attempting to build a new financial economy. In an event organized by the New York Law School, legal, financial, and technical experts will discuss today the hurdles and hopes of what is coming to be known as the Internet of Money. Click here to watch the event live beginning at 8:30am on October 21. The live stream requires the Microsoft Silverlight plugin. Those who live in New York City can attend in person at the New York Law School Events Center (second floor) 185 West....