Andreas Antonopoulos’ Folly On Private Blockchains
Andreas Antonopoulos and others are perpetuating a misconception about the nature of power by advancing the notion that the most monied institutions on the planet won’t crack the code for their own blockchain-based systems. Antonopolous claims that, if a blockchain is not an “open” — or public — blockchain, then it “ain’t worth shit.” Tell that to the people investing millions, likely soon to be billions, in just that. The question Antonopoulos brings up has little to do with distributed ledger tech, blockchain or bitcoin, but rather the way in which power works in our world. Power is the....
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Many people argue that private blockchains, run by private firms, are useless, since they make users dependent upon a third party ‒ the firm managing the blockchain. Many believe that private blockchains currently being considered are not blockchains, but rather, distributed ledger technology which has already existed. Others believe private blockchains could provide solutions to many financial enterprise problems that Bitcoin does not, such as abiding by regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer....
Bitcoin visionary Andreas Antonopoulos recently stated that blockchains would “suck” at doing the things the world’s biggest banks hope to achieve. Moreover, the futile effort of creating private blockchains is just one of the “five stages of grief” that traditional finance is going through as they come to grips with the open-access, decentralized,....
At his most recent talk in Toronto, Andreas Antonopoulos pointed out the folly of relying on tradition — particularly that of using identity verification — or what he calls the “means” that’s no longer needed to achieve the end in blockchain transactions. The End to the Means. On June 20-21, Mastering Bitcoin author Andreas Antonopoulos, gave yet another....
Continuing the coverage of Andreas Antonopoulos’ recent chock-full-o-quotes speech at Barcelona’s FabLab, the Bitcoin visionary explained that not only is he “very confident” about scaling the cryptocurrency, but that “all” of the proposed solutions should be adopted by the community. In the Q&A session following his talk titled “Thoughts on the future....
Bitcoin expert Andreas Antonopoulos recently told an audience of executives and regulators that private “intranet” blockchains will need to interoperate with “the internet of money” i.e. Bitcoin, whose open blockchain “will change this world.” Blockchain: Intranet of Money? Bitcoin expert Andreas Antonopoulos recently gave a talk — titled What is the....