World’s Longest-Running Weekly Bitcoin Meetup Celebrates 200th Meetup
The Manchester Bitcoin meetup, the world’s longest-running weekly Bitcoin meetup, just celebrated its 200th consecutive meetup. The meetup, started in 2012 by the Harvey brothers of Lamassu fame, has taken place every Sunday evening in Manchester, New Hampshire since then without fail. Derrick J. Freeman, prominent local cryptocurrency activist and one of the meetup’s attendees, summed up its significance: “Weekly meetups like the one in Manchester give the Bitcoin community a pulse. It says to the world, "We're alive and growing -- Bitcoin hasn't gone anywhere." In fact, the....
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Bitcoin meetup groups are a great way to get together with like-minded people and discuss anything digital currency-related. Not only will you form a circle of new friends, but you will also be treated to a few presentations now and then. For those among us who like a few statistics, let’s take a look at some of the more recent changes and shifts in the Bitcoin meetup “power rankings.” The most popular Bitcoin meetup groups are to be found in traditional places. Major cities always tend to draw a bigger crowd, but that doesn’t mean that smaller communities are left in the cold either.....
About 30 people attended the first-ever Bitcoin meetup in Quito, Ecuador on Thursday, February 6th. The meetup was organized by Dutch alternative money promoter Paul Buitink (@paulbuitink), currently residing in Quito, and American IT entrepreneur Justin Leitgeb (@justinleitgeb), who made available the Quito office of his company, Stack Builders, who specialises in Ruby and Haskell software development. Argentinean Diego Gutierrez Zaldivar, who organized the Buenos Aires conference in December of last year and who coordinates Bitcoin initiatives in South America, also helped with....