Confused By Blockchain? Separating Revolution from Evolution
For this post, I will use the phrase "industry workflow tools" instead of industry blockchains, as some of the emerging solutions being proposed in this space are not blockchains (eg: R3’s Corda is not a blockchain but DAH's solutions are – both companies are proposing industry workflow tools). But, just as it’s not helpful to call Twitter and Microsoft Sharepoint "database companies" although they both use variations of databases, it’s not helpful to call cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency companies, blockchain platforms and industry workflow tool companies....
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Bitcoin, the blockchain, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and other Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies are disrupting everything around us. In particular, they are disrupting the way we manage people and businesses. Furthermore, they are changing management approaches and fostering new business process creation. Industrial....
The evolution of finance that Bitcoin represents will bring impacts comparable to the Industrial Revolution.
2020 has been a year unlike any other in terms of dramatic life change. Throughout history, any phases of challenge or uncertainty led to a mass disruption of the traditional systems in place and ushered in a new societal revolution. There was an industrial revolution, a technological revolution, and what is next is a decentralized, all-digital future. The basis of a brighter, more inclusive, and fair future is starting today, and it begins with services […]
Amor Sexton is a consultant and lawyer at Adroit Lawyers, Australia's first specialist digital currency legal practice. She advises digital currency businesses and has worked with bitcoin industry bodies to clarify the regulatory framework in Australia. In a recent article, Jon Matonis stated that "bitcoin requires forceful and aggressive legal defense, not complicity with governments in crafting policy and regulations". The current global political climate has resulted in the development of laws that are increasingly pervasive and intrusive on the rights of private individuals. In many....
The word revolution comes from the latin revolutio, meaning a turn around. It could mean a modification of an existing constitution, or a complete change of it. However, revolution is almost always understood as a quick change. And that is exactly where my pitfall detector starts ringing. In recent months we have seen many claims of “revolutionary” developments and technologies in the crypto scene. Next to a plethora of new coins being announced, there are also organizations claiming to have “the next big thing”. The many new hypes are often flashy enough to woo a great amount of users of....