Bitcoin Price Watch; Tightening Things Up This Evening
Here's what we are looking t trade in the bitcoin price this evening out of the US and Asia The European session is about to close for the day, and the US afternoon is set to take over the lion’s share of the bitcoin price market volume. As ever, the second of our two daily bitcoin price analyses will cover our approach going forward into the US afternoon and beyond into Asia, with a specific focus on how action played out today (in relation to our predefined intraday strategy) and how we can interpret this action as part of this evening’s plan. So, with this said, and as we head into the....
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Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening. The European session is just about to draw to a close, and it is time to take the second of our twice-daily looks at the bitcoin price. Action throughout the day has been relatively flat, and we haven’t really had any opportunity to get in and out of the markets according to the rules of either our intrarange or our breakout strategies. This isn’t too much of a problem. Sometimes patience is key in these kinds of situations, and as the last few weeks’ worth of trading have shown us, we generally see things start to....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening. What can we say about today? The bitcoin price has been pretty erratic over the last forty-eight hours or so. We have attempted to track it and – in turn – trade it across the period in question, but it’s not been easy. Not in the sense that we haven’t been able to get in and out for a profit – our strategy rules make it very difficult NOT to get in and out when action is as up and down as it has been of late – but setting the levels, and making sure our risk reflects the reward we are presenting ourselves with,....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening. Action in the bitcoin price today has been relatively lackluster, once again, but it looks as though things might heat up this evening. We managed to get in a little earlier on a breakout scalp trade, but apart from that, things have been pretty flat. We’re heading into this evening’s session with some degree of optimism, however, based on an expectation of a volume boost come the late US session. Without dwelling too much on the action seen during the day, then, and as ever, let’s close out the European session....
Here's a look at what we are focusing on in the bitcoin price this evening. So we’re heading into a fresh week’s worth of trading in the bitcoin price, and it’s looking like we are set up for another interesting run. Things were pretty volatile last week, and we managed to get in and out of the markets according to our standard intraday strategy on a number of occasions for a nice scalp profit. Of course, we got stopped out of a few trades as well, but the outcome was a net gain on the markets, so things are pretty solid as things stand. So what happened today, and where are we going to....
Here's what we are watching in the bitcoin price for the Wednesday evening session... Here's what we are watching in the bitcoin price for the Wednesday evening session... We’re heading towards the close of another European day in the bitcoin space, and things have been pretty uninspiring during the day’s session. Having remained relatively flat throughout the evening last night, we hoped we’d see some volatility throughout Europe and the US morning for a couple of reasons. The first, that we had an as yet incomplete trade running from yesterday evening – a long trade towards 426 that we....